First Generation Award

Purpose of FGA

The purpose of the program is to encourage participation in higher education by first generation college students who have significant financial need (as defined by standard calculations based on financial aid application information), and to promote diversity within the University’s student population.

CSU defines a “first generation college student” as someone whose parents/guardians have not completed a bachelor’s degree. For students whose parents/guardians completed a degree outside of the United States, please contact us to confirm eligibility. Siblings do not impact how CSU defines first generation.

“Diversity” includes persons with diverse social/economic backgrounds and experiences who have traditionally been excluded in higher education; and includes, but is not limited to, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities (including both physical or learning), and those with experience in or a commitment to promoting an awareness or appreciation of diversity.

Award Amount

The First Generation Award Program is an extremely competitive process, with hundreds of applicants each year, and a limited number of awards available. CSU funds 75 awards per year and there can be additional donor funded awards based on the application year. 

  • The FGA base award amount is $5,000 annually and is renewable for up to 5 years contingent upon full-time enrollment at the Fort Collins campus.
  • First Generation Award recipients are eligible for an additional $2,500 Partnership Award through the Community for Excellence. The Partnership Award is an annual award that is renewable for up to 5 years.
  • Note: Students can only receive one Partnership Award. The FGA Partnership Award cannot be stacked on other Partnership awards, but the FGA base award can still be received even if the student will receive other Partnership Awards.*

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be a first generation student, someone whose parents/guardians have not completed a bachelor’s degree.
  • Be a newly admitted first-year or transfer student in a degree program at Colorado State University-Fort Collins campus by April 1st. (We recommend that you apply for admission by the priority application filing date)
  1. Note: Current CSU students, full-time CSU Online students, and/or CSU-Global students are not eligible to apply.
  2. Plan to enroll full-time at Colorado State University, Fort Collins campus the summer or fall of the application year. Full-time enrollment implies that a student is enrolled in at least 12 regular on-campus credits per semester.
  3. The award is not available for new students entering CSU in the spring semester.
  • Student has not previously earned a bachelor’s degree.
  • Demonstrate potential for academic success (as reflected by a high school or transfer Grade Point Average).
  • Document financial need according to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at;  OR the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA); OR CSU Institutional Aid Application.
  • Be a legal resident of Colorado; OR classified as an in-state resident for tuition purposes; OR be eligible to receive the Native American Legacy Award (

Application Requirements

The First Generation Award application is available through RamWeb between October 1st and  April 1st. Students must be admitted to CSU to access RamWeb. Once in RamWeb, search for the CSU Scholarship Application (CSUSA). You must FIRST complete the Colorado State University Scholarship Application (CSUSA) through Academic Works before you can search for the FGA application. Please be sure to prepare enough time to complete BOTH applications. A complete application consists of the CSUSA General App, FGA Application, and FGA essay responses. 

Additionally, students must complete a financial aid application to complete the FGA application process. Please note that the deadline to submit the financial aid application is one month before the First Generation Award application deadline.

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at by March 1 of the year you plan to enroll. List Colorado State University as a school choice to receive the results of your FAFSA. Our school code is 001350. Submit any additional documents requested by the Office of Financial Aid as soon as possible.
  • Alternatively, if eligible, you can complete the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) by March 1 of the year you plan to enroll. See your, Financial Aid Requirements page for further information or contact the Office of Financial Aid with questions at (970) 491-6321.

What happens after I apply?

  • Incomplete applications will NOT be considered. You may or may not be notified that your application is incomplete until the selection process is over, so we recommend that you check your application carefully to be sure it is complete prior to submitting it to the University.
  • The selection process begins early April and a selection committee will review all completed materials submitted by the application deadline
  • Students will be notified by May 1st if they are selected for the award. The FGA program does utilize a waitlist so some students may be notified later in the summer if a spot opens up. Students who are not selected will receive notification in early fall.

Contact us with questions:

First Generation Award Program

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