What can the Community for Excellence do for you?
The Community for Excellence (C4E) is a CSU collaborative effort to assist a group of nearly 1600 students at CSU who are recipients of CSU Partnership Awards, Scholarship Foundations, and our Institutional Scholarships. The honor of the award not only includes financial support but also a dedicated CSU staff member, a Scholar Contact, who will support and encourage you from admission through graduation.
C4E Focus Areas
Our goal is to provide you with a holistic experience. In addition to your one-on-one meetings with your Scholar Contact, C4E aims to ensure every student demonstrates competency in key skillsets that will empower you in your collegiate journey at CSU and in your future endeavors. We’ll do this by introducing you to CSU resources early on, giving you the tools to connect to your career field, and sharing skills that will support your success in the classroom and beyond.
Your experience in C4E will center on the following 6 focus areas:
Academic Success
Succeed academically by understanding expectations, utilizing resources, and defining your own achievements.
Career & Professional Development
Discover your interests, engage in research/internships, and market yourself for whatever comes next.
Financial Wellness
Achieve financial well-being, understand financial aid policies, budgeting, and skills for your future financial goals.
Leadership, Involvement, & Engagement
Engage in CSU's community, learn collaboration skills, contribute and interact effectively with others.
Practical & Life Management
Conquer daily challenges surrounding housing, nutrition, and interpersonal relationships.
Personal Growth & Identity
Pursue personal growth through setting goals, discovering yourself, and prioritizing your well-being.
Additional Resources
Find Your Scholar Contact
Scholar Contacts are here to support you and answer any questions you may have.
Student Resources
Looking for ways to get involved, tutoring, volunteering, etc?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Have questions? We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.